Sunday, June 13, 2010

Focus on what matters.

Take a trip to: (Click on the story "On Call")

to a short article about Doc Rivers, the coach of the Boston Celtics. Whether or not you are a fan of the NBA, basketball or sports...the lesson he teaches here translates.

Then come back and read the rest of this post :

My favorite take away...

"If you believe in something that will help your team, as rash as it might seem, do it."

When everyone around him shook their heads because he was losing games, Doc put a laser beam focus to what he felt mattered. He knew his team, the personalities, health and needs of the players on this team. He did not waver in his approach.

He was willing to "fail" in the short term knowing it was the best, if not the only, way to succeed in the long term.

End result?

2 more wins to an NBA Championship.

Will they win it? Time will tell.


Like I said before, it's not the win that is the take away...

Doc gave his team the opportunity to be in the conversation at the end of it all.

What are you doing to be in the mix?

Do you need to sacrifice the immediate praise of critics that are missing the point?

What is it that truly matters in your task right now?


Make a tough decision...even an unpopular decision.

You just might end up liking the outcome.

With Expectancy,

The Zuke

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