Saturday, July 31, 2010

John Deere Mower, Shower, Toilet, and Church...

Life can be really hard.

I know...that wasn't exactly an earth shattering news flash of a comment. But I got to thinking as I was riding on my John Deere...mowing my mother in laws lawn today. Anything worth thinking about is thought of while in 1 of 3 situations.

1. Riding a John Deere
2. The shower
3. Well...lets say it this way..."Doing paperwork in the office, sitting on the white chair".

Oh...I need to add a 4th...Church. I have had some revelations there. Nice pun huh.

But I digress...

If life is can we make it easier?

Near as I can figure we make a conscious choice, everyday, to make it easier or harder.

Making it harder is when we choose to surround ourselves with people that tell us what we WANT to hear when we need people around us that will tell us what we NEED to hear.

How does life get easier?

Flip that statement on it's head.

Be around people that will speak truth into your life...who are willing to tell you things you may not want to hear... but you need to hear.

Life has plenty of distractions.

Stop creating more of them by putting yourself in a world where the noise meter is at it's highest...and there is no substance to the noise.

If it's gonna get loud...let it come from the voices of people that will help you get to where you need to get going...not ones that will tell you warm, fuzzy feel good stories when you need a chapter read to you from...

The book of "No more buts for your butt...Get it moving".

With Expectancy,

The Zuke

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