Monday, July 12, 2010

Chuck it...

How many times have you been going back and forth in your mind trying to settle on making a decision and no matter how many pros and cons you list out you seem to be...stuck?

You have so many "top priorities" that nothing becomes "the priority".

I was recently away for a couple of days coaching at a soccer tournament. When I arrived home I was really excited to see my wife and kids and hear how their last couple of days had gone.

While we were sitting in our living room...I reached down and picked up a toy to hand to our 7 month old as he sat next to me in his "Exer-saucer" ( A nifty bouncy/swivel/toys on the tray of the whole thingy seat he loves).

When I handed him the went from his hand to being chucked on the floor in about 1.5 seconds. This is a toy he usually likes...but in that moment ...he knew what he wanted...and it wasn't the toy I handed him.

After a weekend away from home...he wanted some attention from his dad, with no other distractions.

I figure there are really only a handful of decisions in a 7 month old's world.

Eat...sleep...poop/ Those are the top 5.

He wanted attention...not toys.

Can you clearly define your top 5?

Do you know the things in your business/life/school/relationships that matter the most so well that you can chuck the things that are not a top priority at the moment in 1.5 seconds?

If not...spend some time today getting that short list together.

It sure makes the decision making process easier all around.

Just ask my 7 month old.

With Expectancy,

The Zuke

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